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Yikes, snakes in the garden!! I borrowed
this idea from a distant memory of a photo I once saw in a book of artist Georgia O'Keefe's
home in the desert, where she placed simple smooth river stones on a window
sill to act as decoration or art. I've always collected rocks and
stones wherever I've gone, though not as large as the ones in that ancient
movie "The Long Long Trailer", in which Lucy and Desi were traveling through
the American West. Lucy was secretly collecting large rocks along the
way, but it all became obvious when Desi was trying to climb higher and
higher, pulling the house trailer over a mountain ridge. All the rocks
started sliding from under the bed and....well, it's Lucille Ball so I'm
sure you can image the rest. I've placed my stones in the form of a snake. It can't get much simpler than that,
yet it adds such an interesting element to be discovered by anyone who cares
to notice.