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Creating Recycled Garden Art
Create garden flowers from old bed springs.
start with a very simple project. I had a box springs bed that
was too far gone to donate, so I disassembled it, saving most of the
resulting parts, even though I didn't know yet what they would become.
I saved the fabric to use as a drop cloth for painting. The wood
frame I saved for future wood projects. As I removed the springs,
I was stacking them together when it occurred to me that they looked a
lot like flowers. They easily screwed into each other because of
their corkscrew shape. I divided them into 5 stacks for 5 flowers
heads, but now I needed stems. The bed had a heavy iron rod
rectangular shaped frame around the perimeter, so I cut it into 4 pieces using
my handy dandy bolt cutter. Fortunately I had an additional rod in the garage
for the 5th stem. I simply shoved the rods into the bottom end of
the flower heads and that's all it needed to stay together. I
stuck them in the ground and called them "spring flowers". Later I
added a bit of color with some purple spray paint. It was easy and
simple, resulting in a very unique garden sculpture.